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Located at 470 Olde Worthington Road
Easy access from I-71 @ Polaris
Polygraph Services are offered nationwide for the following:
Law Enforcement Agencies
- Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
- State Law Enforcement Agencies
- Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Legal Community
- U.S. Attorney Offices
- District Attorney Offices
- Public Defender Offices
- Defense Attorneys
- Parole and Probation Departments
Private Sector - Companies and Corporations
- Under the restrictions and limitations of EPPA
(the Employee Polygraph Protection Act)
Private citizens in matters not involving the legal or criminal justice system
Attorneys in civil litigation
Domestic issues welcome
Sexual Offender Certified
* Polygraph Equipment Used is the Lafayette 4000 - All of our polygraph instruments are given a functionality or calibration test consistent with the manufacturer recommendations and in compliance with state and federal law.
At Stonerock Polygraph, we take care to provide our customers high quality services personalized for their unique needs. We are available to administer polygraph/lie detector tests 7 days a week, from 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM. We are professional, courteous and efficient - and everything is kept with the utmost confidentiality.